Friday, December 30, 2011

La Comida en el Ecuador

Ahem ~ did you catch that Spanish title?  Thanks to our trip, I am sooooo fluent in Spanish now.  NOT!  We had such aspirations of learning Spanish during the months leading up to the trip ~ I bought 6 weeks of Spanish lessons, I had a Daily Spanish Word coming into my EM, and I even bought a translation app for my Crackberry!  But all to no avail ~ we never used ANY of it.  Thank God for Google Translate!

But I digress ~ let's talk about food.  Ecuador seemed so much like Mexico to me, that for the first couple of days, I kept asking for SALSA.  But they don't DO salsa ~ they serve Aji sauce.  With POPCORN next to it!  We became Aji aficionados because we all (except Anabel) like really hot food.  And we discovered that Aji sauce is good on EVERYTHING.  Even on things that aren't SUPPOSED to have Aji, evidenced by the crazy looks we got when inappropriately asking for it.  Oh well ~ we're Gringos.

Ecuadorian food is DELICIOUS.  Lots of soups, empanadas, potatoes, plantains, cheese, fish, pork, and chicken.  The beef was not so good, and we tried it several times.   My personal favorite were the soups and empanadas ~ especially the CHEESE empanadas.  My pants KNOW I liked them a lot.

As for the boys, their favorite food was their BEER.  Ecuadorian Pilsener to be precise.  There was NO substitute for that! 

So I've put together a collection of us eating and drinking ~ please click here to view those pictures.

And yes ~ we ALL stayed Healthy and Happy the whole trip!

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