Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bus Tour Peeps

I'm always fascinated with the people we meet while travelling.  I don't believe in coincidence, so I'm always intrigued by the people who cross my path. 

There were 30 of us on the bus, and everyone was friendly and happy ~ except for the people who didn't receive their luggage.  Ecuador doesn't have freeways where luggage can easily catch up with its owner.  The lesson we learned from that is to PACK LESS and never check essential items.  I still want to go on a trip someday and take nothing but the basics and buy as I go.  Wouldn't that be fun?  Well, it would be if you PLANNED on doing that ...

Of the 30 people, one couple was from Snowflake, Arizona, so that made 6 out of the 30 from Arizona!  There was also a large group of therapists from Dallas, a couple from Canada, and other Americans.  Everyone spoke English. 

Since we've never been on a bus tour before, I was afraid it would be "a little old lady bus tour".  But it was far from that ~ all baby boomers and younger.  I'm so grateful that us boomers will NEVER be considered  "little old ladies".     :-)

Probably the most stressful part of the experience was not having "facilities" on the bus.  Oscar learned quickly that with a bus full of boomers, we needed to make bathroom stops more frequently than he anticipated.  And we're not getting older?  Hmmmm ~ I stand corrected.

Personally, I also had times of being a little claustrophobic in my seat.  We did change seats everyday, but the seats were all the same size, except for the back of the bus.  But while sitting there, one would bounce on EVERY bump in the road.  They were popular seats.

Would we do a bus tour again?  Yes, I think we would if we again went with friends and it was to a place that we just wanted an overview of the location.  Like being on a cruise ship, you never get much time to REALLY explore.  However, I will admit that it's wonderful having everything handled so we could just relax and go with the flow. 

Please click here to see our pictures of The Bus Tour Peeps ~

1 comment:

  1. Fun reading your posts. And talking about things you might have done differently. Don't wax too romantically about the idea of travelling light, on your own, and a different place every night. Sounds like a Barsness vacation! While adventurous and fun, it can be very stressful sometimes navigating strange surroundings every night! See, Chris and I dream about taking a vacation where it's all planned out for us! The grass is always greener......haha MAW
